17 September 2009

The Princess and the 'Roach'

Dear 14F,
You kept us all entertained on my flight last night with your princess antics. The wrinkle of your nose when the sparkling wine was not champagne, or the beef to your liking. Decisions of chardonnay versus sauvignon blanc were mulled over like you were deciding who to award the Nobel prize to. You were not mean or rude, just precious.

When we were in the aisle serving breakfast, you called over a male crew member flapping your arms and screeching. You had a glass upside down on the floor and implored us not to move it, as a huge , nay, humongous crawly cockroach was underneath it. You trembled in fear at the thought that we might let the beast loose, while hugging your husband.

Honey, it was a grape.

07 September 2009

The Beauty Salon With a Bed

Dear Hotel maids worldwide,

I have a confession to make. When you find mysteriously stained hotel towels in rooms you are cleaning, I probably was the guest that stayed there. I like to use my layover hotel rooms as super secret beauty parlors. Today I am rejuicing my hair color, and what better way to occupy the 10 minutes of 'soak' time than blog about it?

I suspect I am not alone in this, nor is this limited to hair coloring. I have given myself facials, epilated, waxed , manicured as well as cut my hair in the hotel bathrooms.  Not only does this preserve my supply of pristine white towels at home, but it keeps these super secret beauty activities away from the gentlemen friends. For all they know, I am born with  this shiny hair color, with smooth legs and dewy complexioned.  (Some little lies are harmless, no?)

Seriously, how many salons always have time to fit you in, provide you with a television and bed to amuse you , and are absolutely free? Please crew, confirm I am not alone in frequenting Salon de Hotel Room....