25 September 2007
What the hell is a farton and why did I eat one??

24 September 2007
Orange you glad you don't wear an easyjet uniform?
Those poor crews have the UGLIEST uniforms possible. Skirts and trousers with the 'hint' of denim in the form of faux topstitching, with a shiny orange shirt to top it off. Lest I forget, the apparent option of a quilted vest to wear over that. Yes, I would LOVE to add pounds to my figure with a quilted vest, on a hot aircraft. Talk about things that make you go hmmmm.....
The crew had to sell everything,. which makes me feel better about only having to sell booze and duty free. Selling food and scratch cards. I am not sure what the prize was, it appeared to be MORE scratch cards. After continuously serving the oh so thirsty British males behind me, who bought beer in increments of 10, they had to clean the plane. I guess I have it better than I thought.
Kudos to the crew for being friendly and patient with the travelling masses, they aren't even rewarded with a layover in sunny Spain!!

18 September 2007
17 September 2007
5 Things I Love About My Job
- Uniforms. There is something really freeing about wearing a uniform . in the morning, when the brain is most challenged, there is something delightful about the fact my largest decision is short sleeve or long? Off black stockings or nude?
- Free food and drink. I love that there is , at all times, a complete bar cart at my disposal. (Minus the liquor of course,although that is on the menu for some). Have a hankering for a diet coke? Pop the top, no fishing for coins. No packing a lunch or saving money for lunch hour. I will admit that dining while standing or on a jumpseat perilously close to a toilet is a less than ideal venue,but the price is right. Were the meals left over, i could literally eat 20 economy chickens. I only know this is possible as I have seen it done. I would not reccommend it .
- The office view. My flatmate longs for a mere window in her open plan office area. hell, she really longs for the copier to not belch fumes on her while she works. If I look out the window, on various flights I have been treated to views of Rio de Janeiro,the Great Pyramids,the fires burning on the oilfields in the Middle East, the illuminated border of pakistan and India, and the Manhattan skyline. No one has a better view.
- The time off. Depending on the trips I bid, I average 12-18 days off a month. That is a full time job. There is something wonderfully decadent about having a Tuesday to go to a matinee, or not worrying about getting time off for a doctors appointment. Shopping in an empty store at 10am,not fighting the crowds.
- Free toiletries at hotels. I cant remember the last time I purchased shampoo. Or soap for that matter. If I don't care for it myself the sample sizes go to a homeless shelter, but I always look forward to them. Always great for vacation or giving to the aunt that collects them in a basket in her guest room.

Odds and Ends
What a lazy ass layover I had. After being switched last minute from Chicago to a Washington layover, I had high hopes. Packed the guide book and camera.Then realized that my 'free time' was Sunday before 2pm. Not...much...happening.... Also, after a delay I was unusually exhausted so devoted far too much time to NY Times crossword puzzles. So much for the glamorous world of being a stewardess!! With a view of the Washington Monument from my Tempur-Pedic bed, I could hardly be bothered to leave my bed. Next layover I *promise* some culture will be seen and documented.
I got to fly with belladonnafiga. She also single and not sure why. With her dynamite haircut and recent weight loss, it is a mystery to me too!! We laughed about our friends telling us we are too picky. HAR!! We are both currently averaging a 0% rejection factor, cause offers of dates aren't happening lately. Are the men all hibernating or what?? Luckily 14A provided all of us working business class with a bag of eye candy.

14 September 2007
Destination unknown

13 September 2007
Overheard in economy
He: Uh, I don't know, baked I guess...
She: No, I need to know how it is prepared!!
He: By a Dominican in a hairnet!!

09 September 2007
Ode to the man in 3J
I work first class fairly regularly. With the exception of Gary Oldman you have been the handsomest man I have served in some time. Clearly with the Oldman reference it is obvious I have 'aesthetically flawed' or some would say 'nerdy' taste in men. You were right up my alley, yet chose to sleep facing the wall. Thanks for nothing 3J.

The Meanest Link
The girls all had unique spellings of their names like Amii or Linsey or Charley. The host, Anne Robinson felt is was completely acceptable to ask the breast sizes of the contestants. WTF??? Their assets were obvious, did you really need to demean them further than the simplified questions that were asked?? While I giggled at their not knowing what an exchequer was, or tempestuous meant, did you really need to ask the cup size?? Come on Anne, their 'intellect' was funny enough,and it was for charity after all. A little mercy would have gone a long way.

08 September 2007
My heart belongs to Santiago.....Calatrava